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Dashboards & Views

How to set up and customize dashboards and views

Written by Tara Ferguson
Updated over a week ago


When you log into Lennd and open an event, the first page you will see is the Dashboard. This can also be accessed by clicking the "Dashboard" button from the sidebar.

The dashboard provides a few options to manage your event.

  • Quick Actions

  • Groups and People

  • Request Review Summary

Quick Actions - are available by clicking the dropdown button:

  • Create Order

  • Add Group

  • Add Person

  • Invite User

Groups and People - Below Quick Actions, your event's Group and People types will be displayed, along with a count of their contacts. When you hover over a type, an Actions menu will appear with the option to add a contact, or access settings. You can also click the name of the type to open it in the CRM.

Request Review Summary - If you are an approver for passes, assets, or catering, or on any form or file request submissions, you will see a summary of those requests and their approval status, including pending requests.

You can click the name to quickly approve or reject submissions, or access the module via the left-hand sidebar to access more management options.

Views and View-Level Dashboards

Many modules in Lennd have the ability to customize the data you want to display when looking at the records in the module. This is referred to as a "view". The default view is named "Dashboard."

You can create multiple views to display data in different ways for different users. All users with view access can create and edit views.

This video walkthrough shows how to configure dashboard views with various options:

Configuring Your Views

  1. From the left-hand sidebar, click on "Show/Hide Fields".

  2. Check what fields you want to see in the table. Each field will be displayed as a column, with each record (contact, pass request, etc.) displayed in a row.

  3. Rearrange the fields to your preferred order in the right column by dragging and dropping them into place.

  4. Click on "Update View."

IMPORTANT: Updating the view does not save changes to the view. It just updates what you see on the screen. Once you navigate away, it will lose those changes.

Saving Views

To save the view, click "Save" in the left-hand sidebar. You can use the other buttons to reset changes (to the last saved view), copy view, or rename/delete the view.

Naming Views

Give the view a descriptive name. Many users like to name the view based on the person/role that will be using it most frequently.

If you have a view that should not be edited, it might be helpful to indicate that in the name of the view. E.g. "Artist View - do not edit".

Changing Views

Once multiple views have been created, you can switch between them by clicking on the view name and selecting another one.

Exporting From Views

You can download the data shown in your view into a .csv or .xlsx file. This is a convenient way to quickly generate a file that can be shared with others or imported into another system.

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