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Importing Groups and People

Import contact data into your CRM from a .csv spreadsheet file

Written by Tara Ferguson
Updated over a week ago

Importing Contacts

You can bulk import either Group or People records within the same file. Files must be in .csv (comma-separated value) format.


Lennd will generally be able to read data without major reformatting required. However, if you are planning to upload a large file, or are experiencing issues with the upload, we recommend you read the linked article prior to importing.

Here are a few basics to check:

  • Each record should exist in its own row.

  • Required fields must have data for each cell.

  • Column names should correspond to field names in Lennd. You can map them manually, but it's a good practice to check and ensure you have the right fields built.

  • Group imports can only import group field data, and people imports can only import people data.

Import Workflow

Login into Lennd and open your event.

  1. Select CRM from the left-hand navigation bar and choose either Groups or People.

Pro tip: if you are importing people into groups, select Groups so you can add the Group Name to each person.

  1. Open the Options dropdown and select Import .CSV.

Once you've clicked this, you'll be given the option to upload a file or generate an import template.

Importing Files

Select Upload a file to import and add your .csv file from your computer.

Mapping Order Fields

Next, you will be prompted to map Lennd fields to column headers in your file.

Mandatory fields will be shown, selected (green toggle), and cannot be deselected.

If there are fields on the left that you don’t want to import, just slide the green toggle to deselect them. Mandatory import fields must remain selected.

You can also scroll to the bottom of the Column Headers list and select "Enter a default value." Then, you can type a default value into the text box. This will be used as the value for all imported records.

Click Import once all your fields and columns are matched and wait for the import to process. For large files, this may take a few minutes.

Review Import

The next screen will let you know what rows successfully validated and/or if any failed. You will also see a grid that will outline what is accepted for each of the fields, which will help you troubleshoot issues.

If you see the above screen, you must fix the issues within your file. Compare the rows that are indicated against the Data Preparation tips to quickly find and address issues.

Once the import is completed, a confirmation page will appear.

Note that if you have not defined a record type for your groups or people, they will be placed in your default record type. Select the contacts you want to move to another type and click the More dropdown to access the Change Types button.

Learn more: Importing Orders

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