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Importing orders

Import order data from a .csv spreadsheet file

Written by Tara Ferguson
Updated over a week ago

Importing Orders

You can bulk import either Group or People orders within the same file. Files must be in .csv (comma-separated value) format.


Lennd will generally be able to read data without major reformatting required. However, if you are planning to upload a large file, or are experiencing issues with the upload, we recommend you read the linked article prior to importing.

Here are a few basics to check:

  • Each order should exist in its own row.

  • Required fields must have data for each cell.

  • Column names should correspond to field names in Lennd. You can map them manually, but it's a good practice to check and ensure you have the right fields built. This is especially useful if you have similar fields for Group and People.

  • Order items (assets, passes, meals, etc.) must be in separate columns, with the quantity inputed as a number for each row.

Order Import Workflow (Passes)

The order workflow is the same for passes, catering, and assets. The below illustrates how to process a bulk import of passes.

Login into Lennd and open your event.

  1. Select Passes from the left-hand navigation bar.

  2. Click Manage from the top menu.

  3. Open the Options dropdown and select Import Orders.

Once you've clicked this, you'll be given the option to upload a file or generate an import template.

Importing Files

Select Upload a file to import and add your .csv file from your computer.

Mapping Order Fields

First, choose the type of order. Person orders are for items that should be assigned directly to one person (i.e. a photo pass). Group orders are for a collection of items that are distributed among a group (i.e. 10 full-event meal passes). Group orders need a designated person to be the contact for the order.

If there are fields on the left that you don’t want to import, just slide the green toggle to deselect them. Mandatory import fields cannot be deselected.

Click the Show/Hide Fields buttons to select specific fields you want to import. You can choose from the below field types:

  • person

  • group

  • item

  • zones

  • order detail

Mandatory Contact Fields

To ensure order confirmations can be emailed, we require the following mandatory fields:

  • Person Full Name OR Person First Name and Person Last Name

  • Person Email

    • This must be unique for the import. If you upload multiple orders with the same email, it may overwrite data that is previously imported.

    • If you don't have or want to add an email for certain orders, you can enter a test email sequence such as,

  • Group Name (mandatory for Group Orders only)

The values in these columns will be used to create contact profiles that are assigned to imported orders. Other contact fields can be added and imported too.

Item Fields

Items can be assigned to orders by mapping the item field to a .csv column for that item. They are grouped into catalogues based on item type:

  • Passes

  • Meals (Catering module)

  • Assets & Equipment

  • Sponsorship (Expo module)

  • Booths & Exhibition Space (Expo module)

Note: At this time, we are unable to bulk import items with a price (paid orders).

To add items to an order, enter the desired quantity under the item column in the order row. Below is a sample showing what this looks like:

  • Note: Cell values must be integers. Blank cells will be treated as 0 value.

Each column will correspond to an order line item, which represents the different items in each order along with the quantity per item. In the below example, "Paid Ticket" and "Unpaid Ticket" are separate line items.

Click Import once all your fields and columns are matched and wait for the import to process. For large files, this may take a few minutes.

The next screen will let you know what rows successfully validated and/or if any failed. It will provide a summary of orders, line items per order, and contacts/groups that will be created or matched in the database.

Any issues with the data will be identified based on the row that has bad data. You will also see a grid that outlines what is accepted for each of the fields to help troubleshoot any issues.

The most common issues can be found here: Data Preparation.

If you see the above screen, you must fix the issues within your file. Compare the rows that are indicated against the Data Preparation tips to quickly find and address issues. The most common issues include missing mandatory field data (e.g. a row with a last name missing), invalid email format, etc.

Once the import is completed, a confirmation page will appear.

Pro Mode: Using Pivot Tables To Build Item Field Matrix

Sometimes order data from a previous event will be exported as line items. This gives you all the data you need to import into Lennd, but can be challenging to reformat with each order as one line.

Here is an example of assets that have been exported as line items. You can see that the same order is split into multiple rows. What we want is to display one order per row, with a matrix of item types in the columns.

To start, create a pivot table in a new sheet using Item Types as columns, Person Email as rows, and Qty as values. This will give you a grid with all the items per order (email address) in one row.

Next, you will need to remove duplicate contact data so each row has a unique email address. Copy the contact data into another sheet and remove duplicates based on column D (email). The results will look like this:

Note: you may need to sort emails in alphabetical A-Z order here if data is not already ordered.

Finally, copy the items and quantities from the pivot table into the second contact data sheet. (Do not copy the totals.)

If desired, you can copy the "row labels" column to ensure the pivot table records match the contact records, and delete it before saving this sheet as a .csv.

The above data is now formatted to import orders into Lennd.

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